Converting from 30 amps to 50 amps
After roughly nine months of fulltime living with 30 amp power we decided to upgrade our school bus conversion from 30 amps to 50 amps. Maybe our experience will help someone out there with this same decision.
After roughly nine months of fulltime living with 30 amp power we decided to upgrade our school bus conversion from 30 amps to 50 amps. Maybe our experience will help someone out there with this same decision.
Now that the weather has finally started turning a little cooler (not fast enough! Texas just can’t seem to let go of summer), I thought I’d talk a little bit about our trials and tribulations regarding keeping the bus not…ass hot. It’s not quite as a rage inducing problem as…
Since August, Katy and I have lived full-time in an RV Park in Texas and it often comes as a surprise to many when we say that we like it. Obviously, this is not a life of glamour. There are some challenges. But after years of renting apartments, living at…
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