Voting on the Road

This election cycle is insane. Just nuts. Mike and I really felt the need to vote. Mike love/hates politics. He ran for a low level office years ago and, in general, it’s something that he pays a lot of attention to. I don’t think that either of us have missed…

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First Solo Road Trip…Well, Katy’s That Is

Katy and her sister Aly in our 2013 Honda Fit.

“I was ready to get on the road. For my first solo road trip. Which was scary and exciting all at the same time. I’m about to be 30, it’s a little sad that I had never driven anywhere more than a hour or two away by myself. Mike has done a load of solo road trips- he’s gone north to New York and all the way west to California among other places. I was looking forward to 2 days all to myself.”

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