No Shave November in the Bus

Mike with red had, beard.

November is probably my favorite month.  It starts off with candies and chocolates, ends with a feast, and in Florida we get to stop sweating before we freeze (anything under 75 degrees is considered “freezing” here).  This year, though, my November is nevertheless made more interesting and fun by the…

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Finn Gallery – The Skoolie Dog Likes His Close-ups

This gallery contains 11 photos.

This dog!!! Finn can drive us crazy. Between barking at every golf cart and motorcycle, to demanding that someone play with him, this dog is lucky to be so cute.

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What We Do For a Living

I’m super nosy. Like I want to be all up in people’s business regardless of if I know them or not. I don’t want to talk about it or offer unwanted advice I just want to know. How do you organize all your stuff? What’s your dog like? What do you…

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Mail…It’s a Problem on the Road

Mike and I both still receive mail at our respective mothers’ houses. When we got married each of us had our mom’s houses as our permanent addresses since both of us have a history of moving pretty frequently and officially changing your address through the DMV every 6 months to…

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Our Tiny Living Dirty Secret

We have a whole room filled with our stuff at my mom’s house. And it’s not a small room- it’s what would normally be the “formal living room” (over the years it’s been household storage, a bedroom, a proper living room, a guest room, where the Christmas tree went, and…

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The Internet Situation

When Mike and I planned (to the best of our abilities) for the things that we thought would be the most difficult aspects of living in the bus we were mainly anticipating an issue with electricity. We had originally planned to go with solar straight out the gate until we…

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Living Full-Time in the Bus – What We’ve Learned So Far

Mike and I have been full-time living in the bus for a little over a month and there’s been a serious learning curve as we’ve adjusted to living in such a small space. So, I thought I’d address some of the things we’ve learned along the way. 1) I REALLY care…

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