Our Tiny Living Dirty Secret


We have a whole room filled with our stuff at my mom’s house. And it’s not a small room- it’s what would normally be the “formal living room” (over the years it’s been household storage, a bedroom, a proper living room, a guest room, where the Christmas tree went, and now our storage area).

I had grand plans of going through every little thing and getting rid of it ALL and just keeping what we needed and could fit on the bus. But things never work out the way you plan them and we ran out of time. We used all of our time before we left for Texas just finishing the bus and moving in essentials. We pulled out of my mom’s yard and left chaos behind us. There was wood and construction debris in the yard (that my mom lovingly offered to haul to the dump for us), the garage was full of stuff, and this room was packed. I did manage to shift around enough of it to get everything except our washer and dryer out of the garage and into this one room.

Well, we came down for Thanksgiving and I decided to just stay here with Finn while Mike headed back to Texas. There are only 2 weeks left in the semester, he could just some distraction free time to get a lot of writing down for his dissertation, and I really missed my family. I really am not a huge fan of where we are in Texas and since I work from the bus and for myself (and am terribly shy when it comes to chatting people up) I feel very isolated there. It’s me and Finn most of the time. Anyway, Mike will be coming back with the bus in 2 weeks once the semester is over and depending on our finances we’ll be doing some bus projects/taking off around the country/staying put and hanging out until classes start again mid-January.

In the meantime, I’ve got to get a LOT of work done. The campsite recently killed the upload speed of the WiFi (I assume to get a better speed for general browsing and watching stuff online- which has been better, I can actually get enough of a signal in certain parts of the bus to stay inside and watch videos or browse) to the point where you can’t even send an email using the WiFi network. I couldn’t publish blog posts, pictures won’t upload, and god forbid I wanted to upload a video to YouTube. It just wasn’t happening. I’m on the hunt for a good cafe to go to get some work done but haven’t found one that’s 1) comfortable enough to hang out at for hours and 2) cheap enough for daily use. Our part of Texas is not big on coffee culture so there’s a distinct lack of coffee shops and cafes even though we are very close to a university. Doughnut (donut?) shops, on the other hand, are a booming business. I think there are 6 doughnut shops in walking distance of our campground and only one is a big chain place. It’s actually a little odd how many doughnut shops there are. The doughnut love is real y’all.

One of my goals over the next couple of weeks is to finally go through all of our crap. Seriously, I need to free my mom from my stuff.


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