Driving Through the George C. Wallace Tunnel in Mobile, Alabama

This video was filmed by Katy on our second day ever driving the skoolie.  At this point my total school bus driving experience came to maybe ten hours and I was not looking forward to this moment in our trip when we would enter such a confined space.  The George C. Wallace Tunnel is part of the route I typically take between Texas and Florida and it is always a pleasant break from the otherwise never-ending monotony of I-10.  However, in the back of my mind I always imagine myself getting into some kind of Michael Bay-esque disaster car crash whenever I enter tunnels like this one.  The fact that I was now driving a 35 ft vehicle heavier than anything else around me had me gripping the steering wheel like our life’s depended on it, because they did.  I stayed calm and collected on the outside, but I think Katy may have noticed my white-knukle grip on the wheel and my unblinking stare on the path in front.

Driving west from Florida, we first hit the  causeway crossing Mobile Bay.  That’s where the video begins.  The George C. Wallace tunnel begins just before entering the city of Mobile and submerges under the Mobile River.

To see more Driving video like this one, and to stay up to date with our skoolie adventures, follow us on youtube at www.youtube.com/c/asphaltnomads.

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